Philipp Poschmann


On this page I give an overview of publications in whose production I was involved. Please also note my collection of provided research resources (applications and data).

Philipp Poschmann (2024): The Social Construction of Digital Technologies: The Politics behind Technology-centered Transformations. In: Elke Weik, Elke; Land, Chris; Hartz, Ronald (Eds.): The Handbook of Organizing Economic, Ecological and Societal Transformation. [De Gruyter]

Philipp Poschmann, Jan Goldenstein, Sven Büchel, and Udo Hahn (2024): A Vector Space Approach for Measuring Relationality and Multidimensionality of Meaning in Large Text Collections. Organizational Research Methods 27(4): 650–680. [SAGE]

Jan Goldenstein, Philipp Poschmann, and Michael Hunoldt (2023): The Global Orientation of Organizations: An Analysis of the Effects of Global Cultural Rationalization and National Institutional Traditions. Journal of Management Studies 60(6): 1584-1623. [Wiley]

Lisa-Maria Gerhardt, Jan Goldenstein, Simon Oertel, Philipp Poschmann, and Peter Walgenbach (2023): The Managerialization of Higher Education in Germany and its Consequences: Changes in Job Advertisements for Professorships in German Universities, 1990 to 2010. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 68. [Emerald Publishing]

Philipp Poschmann and Peter Walgenbach (2023): Das komplexe Zusammenspiel von Normierung und Innovation: Wie Stabilität und Wandel miteinander verbunden sind. In: Gertschen, Alex (Ed.): Räderwerke der Normalität: Wie Normen und Standards Vertrauen schaffen. [NZZ Libro, Basel]

Peter Walgenbach and Philipp Poschmann (2023): Die ISO 9001: Das Schweizer Taschenmesser des Qualitätsmanagements. In: Gertschen, Alex (Ed.): Räderwerke der Normalität: Wie Normen und Standards Vertrauen schaffen. [NZZ Libro, Basel]

Philipp Poschmann and Jan Goldenstein (2022): Disambiguating and Specifying Social Actors in Big Data: Using Wikipedia as a Data Source for Demographic Information. Sociological Methods & Research 51(2): 887-925. [SAGE]

Jan Goldenstein, Philipp Poschmann, and Peter Walgenbach (2020): Die Erfassung und Messung von Bedeutungsstrukturen in großen Textsammlungen: Die Nutzung neuartiger Werkzeuge des Natural Language Processing im Neo-Institutionalismus. In: Hasse, R. /Krüger, A. (Eds.):Neo-Institutionalismus – Kritik und Weiterentwicklung eines sozialwissenschaftlichen Paradigmas Bielefeld: Transcript, 215–245. [ResearchGate]

Jan Goldenstein and Philipp Poschmann (2019): Analyzing Meaning in Big Data: Performing a Map Analysis Using Grammatical Parsing and Topic Modeling. Sociological Methodology 49(1): 83–131. [SAGE]

Jan Goldenstein and Philipp Poschmann (2019): Rejoinder: A Quest for Transparent and Reproducible Text-Mining Methodologies in Computational Social Science. Sociological Methodology 49(1): 144–151. [SAGE]

Jan Goldenstein, Philipp Poschmann, Sebastian G.M. Händschke, and Peter Walgenbach (2019): Global and local orientation in organizational actorhood: A comparative study of large corporations from Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 6(2): 201–236. [Taylor & Francis Online]

Philipp Poschmann and Jan Goldenstein (2018): Unsicherheitsabsorption mit Big Data. Controlling & Management Review 62(6). [Springer]


Philipp Poschmann (2020): Bringing Meaning Back in: Rethinking Institutional Fields as Relational Systems of Meanings. Friedrich Schiller University Jena: Jena.

Book Reviews

Philipp Poschmann (2022): Book Review: John W. Mohr, Christopher A. Bail, Margaret Frye, Jennifer C. Lena, Omar Lizardo, Terence E. McDonnell, Ann Mische, Iddo Tavory, and Frederick F. Wherry: Measuring Culture. Organization Studies 43(1). [SAGE]

Conference Proceedings

Sebastian G.M. Händschke, Sven Büchel, Jan Goldenstein, Tinghui Duan, Philipp Poschmann, Peter Walgenbach and Udo Hahn (2018): A Corpus of Corporate Annual and Social Responsibility Reports: 280 Million Tokens of balanced Organizational Writing. ECONLP 2018 — Proceedings of the First Workshop on Economics and Natural Language Processing @ ACL 2018 62(6). [ACL Anthology]

Jan Goldenstein, Philipp Poschmann, Sebastian G. M. Händschke and Peter Walgenbach (2017): Globally and Locally Embedded Meaning of Corporate Responsibility. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2017.

Jan Goldenstein, Philipp Poschmann and Sebastian G. M. Händschke (2015): Linguistic Analysis: The Study of Textual Data in Management and Organization Studies with NLP. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2015.